
Journey Into Mystery #113

Journey Into Mystery #113    February 1965
1/ Thor - A World Gone Mad !
(Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Chic Stone)
→ Pas de VF
1st appearance of Uller, 1st appearance of Volsak

Synopsis: Thor returns to Earth and decides to renounce his godly heritage, and tell Jane everything so he can marry her. Elsewhere, two museum curators are examining something discovered at the bottom of the Hudson. Only it’s the Grey Gargoyle. He turns the men to stone, then flees. In Asgard, Odin has witnessed what Thor has done, and removes his powers entirely. When Blake tries to change, nothing happens. Just then, Grey Gargoyle breaks in, wanting to know where Thor is. Balder and the other Asgardians plan to helpThor, but with him now being in Odin’s favor, Loki stops them, except for one. The Grey Gargoyle continues to chase Jane and Don throughout the city, until that Asgardian grantsBlake the power of Thor for 30 seconds. Thor fuses Grey Gargoyle’s mass together so he cannot, move, then transforms back. Honir then returns to Odin, where Odin decides that Thor shall keep his power.

2/ Tales Of Asgard - The Boyhood Of Loki
(Stan Lee / Jack Kirby / Vince Colletta)
→ Hulk (Collection Flash) n° 11 (08/78) L'enfance de Loki
→ Strange Spécial Origines n° 148 (04/82) Récits d'Asgard - L'enfance de Loki

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